The time you have each week to help children know God and His Word is short and precious. Here are a few tips for maximizing your time and keeping things fun!

You have a limited amount of time to impact the children you lead. But being prepared allows you to use that time for what matters—reflecting God’s love and care for your group.

Prepare Yourself

Spend time during the week reading and studying the lesson text from God’s Word. Pray and ask God for wisdom as you lead, and pray for the children in your group.

Prepare for the Lesson

Get familiar with all the aspects of the lesson even if you’re not responsible for leading the whole time. Know the Bible Story well enough to tell it without being tied to a script. Because this will also help you be prepared for questions children might have.

Prepare the Materials

During the week, collect any materials you’re responsible for and make sure you have everything you need before class. This is one simple way to prevent your group’s attention from wandering.

Prepare the Environment

Make your space inviting and interesting. Take time to eliminate clutter and rearrange furniture to work best with the activities you have chosen.

Prepare to Be Early

It’s important to remember that your group time actually starts when the first child arrives, not at the officially scheduled time.

Having everything set up before that first child arrives gives you the opportunity to welcome and talk with each child. This is a great way to nurture relationships with parents too!

You have a limited amount of time to impact the children you lead. But being prepared allows you to use that time for what matters—reflecting God’s love and care for your group.

Questions for Your Team to Think About:

What resources are available to help your team prepare for each week’s lesson?

How can your team be intentional about preparing during the week?

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Your heart beats for kids to know, love, and follow Jesus. And ours does too. Try any or all of our programs and lessons before you commit to buying. Check them out here.

Your heart beats for kids to know, love, and follow Jesus. And ours does too. Try any or all of our programs and lessons before you commit to buying. Check them out here.